
A Two Year Review

This report reflects the results of the two-year effort you were all a part of, and lays out our vision going forward.

Transforming War Trauma

For Azerbaijan Focuses on the Healing Power of Community using the Lessons Learned from its Previous Projects.

For Azerbaijan would like to thank all those who contributed to Qaliblər Düşərgəsi 2021!

For Azerbaijan’s pilot project sets a new standard – we would like to thank all those who contributed to Qaliblər Düşərgəsi 2021!

ForAzerbaijan continues its efforts to help victims of conflict

As of July 2nd, 37 people directly or indirectly affected by the war have been evaluated by our professionals. Out of 37 people evaluated so far, 25 have been identified as in need of treatment and rehabilitation.

ForAzerbaijan Launches 3 Pilot Projects in its First Year

To begin giving in the most impactful way possible from day one, ForAzerbaijan launched 3 pilot projects along the lines of its 3 pillars.

Make them smile

We are excited to bring you our first-ever project. With the generous support of our FMs we have supported over 140 families, dearly facing the misfortunes of the pandemics, armed conflict, and poverty.

Press Release 12.28.2020

“FOR AZERBAIJAN” (FA) – a newly formed nonprofit organization, aims to unite Azerbaijanis around the world to support the most vulnerable in Azerbaijan.

About FA

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